Food and Toy Drive for Local Families in Need
November 26, 2018
What kind of effort is needed to make this effortless?
March 1, 2019I love the simplicity of yoga. More than ever, as the year gains momentum, this is the quality I appreciate the most. With so many “could”s that arise in daily life, and the more coercively-toned “should”s, the time on my mat is, in contrast, intentional, focused, and embodied in present experience. Within our modern technological and societal constructs, the idea of interconnection leads towards a baffling complexity. It’s amazing!… and yikes. But on the mat, the practice of connecting (inclusively relating) to various aspects of being tends instead towards coalescence. Feel your body floating over your sitting bones or the arches of your feet. Trust your heart to beat, you don’t need to know how. Let the muscles down the back of your neck neck soften. Devote your attention all the way through to the end of this exhalation. It doesn’t need to be better. This is it. And you’re doing your best.
You are something the whole universe is doing
in the same way that
a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.
– Alan Watts
As a physical space and a community, Kushala Yoga hopes to support you in living a balanced life, including effort and ease, creativity and letting go. Thank you for choosing this studio. We hope to see you often through 2019.
Karen and Chris