Therapeutic Yoga

Pace: Gentle

In Therapeutic Yoga, each class begins with breathing exercises to bring mental focus and calm. You are then be lead into a gentle series of warm-up exercises to mobilize the joints. Following the warm up, you will work on postures to build strength and improve alignment, with adaptations for injury and limited range of motion. Each exercise is guided step-by-step, with options to hold-back or go deeper. We will wind down the class with deep and supported stretches, and close with savasana relaxation.

Therapeutic Yoga offers a balanced asana (posture) practice of therapeutic poses for the body in its entirety. The emphasis will be on removing obstructions (tension/pain/injury) to allow for more comfort in body and mind.

Therapeutic Yoga Class Schedule

DateTimeInstructor Studio Online
Friday March 28th 9:30am - 10:30am Karen Andersen
Monday March 31st 9:30am - 10:30am Karen Andersen
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