Thunder’s Wake: Reflecting on a Wildfire Summer
August 20, 2023
Vairagya: Softening Views for Deeper Understanding
October 20, 2023I was out for dinner with a friend the other night, and we reflected on the feeling of September’s “new year”; a transition period between Labour Day and the fall equinox. For many, it holds more significant changes to life’s routines than any other time of year. While the rhythms of nature get quieter, September is, in contrast, a time of “stepping up” physically and mentally. This is not even a modern paradox, as harvest time has always been a culmination of efforts to harness nature’s offerings. September bears new challenges that bring a rush of energetic motivation. Yet it can also bring forth a feeling of doubt about our capacity to give the energy necessary to fulfil these commitments.
We are curious creatures who feel pleasure and reward from exploration, intrigue, and learning something new. This drive can help illuminate our decision-making process and steer us toward what is helpful and healthy. The inner journey, guided by yoga’s movements and meditations, brings explicit and implicit gifts. Explicitly, we may learn more about ourselves, our needs, and what makes us feel balanced. Implicitly, the practice creates space for our unspoken needs and desires to be heard, or heal when injured.
We warmly welcome you to your inner practice this September.
Karen and Chris