If you wish to incorporate a regular meditation practice into your life, or perhaps have you tried meditating but found it difficult to establish a regular routine, this course will help you establish a grounded seated practice.
Join Alissa for a journey through your senses to a deep state of relaxation. As the holiday season approaches, take an hour for yourself to relax, refresh and create an intention
We who live in the modern era have the same physiology as our hunter gatherer ancestors. The difference is in the pace of our lives. Learn what contributes towards stress, how it impacts your life, and how to heal from it in this informative and practical workshop.
If you wish to incorporate a regular meditation practice into your life, or perhaps have you tried meditating but found it difficult to establish a regular routine, this course will help you establish a grounded seated practice.
Using specifically designed high grip rubber balls you will learn specific techniques to penetrate through layers of skin and muscle to massage each major area of the body.
This six-week series is aimed at introducing participants to a practice that will allow them to begin to heal their relationships with food and with their bodies.
Join Alissa for a journey through your senses to a deep state of relaxation. The practice of Yoga Nidra invites us into a sleep-like state where we can release tension, stress and busyness.
If you are no longer a beginner, but want to refine your practice through precise alignment techniques, variations, and props, this course will help advance your practice.
In this course you will learn advanced asana including arm balances, inversions, backbends and more; to inspire greater awareness of our bodies and a broader understanding of the postures.
In this course you will learn advanced asana including arm balances, inversions, backbends and more; to inspire greater awareness of our bodies and a broader understanding of the postures.