October 20, 2012

Yoga at the Evergreen Cultural Centre

Deepen and enhance your yoga practice as you take inspiration from the artwork surrounding you at the Evergreen Cultural Centre.
October 17, 2012

30 Day Yoga Challenge

Join in on the 30-Day Challenge - tune-up your body, mind and spirit before the holidays!
October 16, 2012

Ashtanga Vinyasa Workshop with Maria Fabiano Williams

Join Maria for a 3-hour workshop to learn the foundations of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
October 15, 2012

Yoga Fundraiser for Amanda Todds’ Trust Fund

On Sunday October 21st join us for two fundraising classes at Suter Brook and Pitt Meadows studios, in support of the Amanda Todd Trust Fund.
October 15, 2012

Yoga Fundraiser for Amanda Todds' Trust Fund

On Sunday October 21st join us for two fundraising classes at Suter Brook and Pitt Meadows studios, in support of the Amanda Todd Trust Fund.
October 13, 2012

Kids Halloween Yoga

Bring your kids a spooky Halloween themed yoga class full of imaginative games and activities.
September 28, 2012

Arm Balance and Inversion Workshop

Come out to play. You will be carefully guided into a variety of basic to advanced arm-balances and inversions.
September 17, 2012

Hike n’ Yoga: Find Your Flow

Join us for a guided adventure of hiking and yoga, lead by Shannon Brundrett and Jordan Birch.
September 17, 2012

Hike n' Yoga: Find Your Flow

Join us for a guided adventure of hiking and yoga, lead by Shannon Brundrett and Jordan Birch.
September 10, 2012

Family Yoga Workshop with Shannon Brundrett

Join Shannon for a fun and creative family yoga class to build connection and play.
August 19, 2012

‘Still Summer Potluck

Friday September 14th - We are a community of fabulous individuals whom you don’t get time to meet in class. So lets share food and get to know our mat-neighbours better.
August 19, 2012

'Still Summer Potluck

Friday September 14th - We are a community of fabulous individuals whom you don’t get time to meet in class. So lets share food and get to know our mat-neighbours better.
August 16, 2012

Eoin Finn Workshop: Love, the Ultimate Renewable Resource

Access your deepest inspiration in this yoga workshop with West Coast Yogi, Surfer and Blissologist Eoin Finn.
August 3, 2012

Awaken the Warrior Within – The Bhagavad Gita with Nico Luce

This four part workshop series will focus on embodying the powerful teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, the most loved and influential text on Yoga.
July 26, 2012

Summer Potluck at Rocky Point

On Friday July 19th join us for our third annual summer potluck at Rocky Point Park's picnic area.
June 29, 2012

Summer Membership Sale

Until June 30th - Get a 2-month unlimited yoga membership for only $149 + HST. Buy it online.
June 24, 2012

Mom and Baby Yoga in January

Bring your little one to yoga. Join Alissa for 4 weeks of play time and relaxation.
June 13, 2012

The Deeper Dimensions of Yoga with Michael Stone

Join Michael Stone for an insightful weekend of exploration into the inner dimensions of yoga through asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and philosophy.
June 6, 2012

Pedro Franco Arm Balance and Inversions Workshop

Explore your inner strength through the expression of arm balances and inversions with senior instructor Pedro Franco in this special workshop.
June 6, 2012

Pedro Franco Partner Yoga Workshop

Partner yoga is a playful blend of yoga, assisted stretches and Thai massage. Register for this special workshop with senior instructor Pedro Franco.
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