The importance of nervous system regulation practices during times of transition By Islena Faircrest, Transformative Life Coach There is a lot of buzz about “mindset” with […]
Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the tensions that bind and separate us have become more apparent, manifesting in distancing, remote connection, demonstrations and actions of solidarity. There seems […]
Many of us are brought together by a love of practicing yoga in group classes. When practicing in community, we encounter a sense of invigoration, inspiration, and support that is more difficult to cultivate on our own. Isn't there such empowerment in turning inwards, alongside others doing the same?
The front of our hips and torso can get tight and weak from extended periods of sitting. In the therapeutic yoga class, you will learn about the primary movers of hip flexion, and practice yoga postures to release tension and strengthen the iliopsoas muscle.
By Islena FaircrestE-RYT, Cognitive Behaviour Specialist, Life Development Coach, Bowen Bodywork Therapy I recently taught a workshop on resiliency and adaptability tools in the face of […]
Parking regulations at Suter Brook are changing. Starting Friday November 15th, all vehicles are required to be registered when you park. If you drive and park […]
This April, invite a friend or family member to take a class at Kushala Yoga for free! For every referral, you will be entered in a draw for a 1-Month Term Membership.
Here we find ourselves just on the other side of the longest day of the year, which gave me reason to pause and reflect on light and what it means for us here as the creatures that we are on this endless journey around the Sun.
This month at Kushala we are putting asana, the posture practice, in the spotlight. It’s typically what we identify with yoga, but it’s sometimes maligned for not being the […]
I love the simplicity of yoga. More than ever, as the year gains momentum, this is the quality I appreciate the most. With so many “could”s that arise in […]
Bring a food, toy or cash donation for our annual Food and Toy Drive, to support SHARE Family & Community Service's Food Bank and Christmas Toy Shop. In 2016, they assisted 1,219 local families during the holiday season.
This October, invite a friend or family member to take a class at Kushala Yoga for free! For every referral, you will be entered in a draw for a 1-Month Term Membership.