Kula Yoga is Now Kushala Yoga
October 15, 2011Challenges
November 17, 2011Endings and Beginnings
With endings, come beginnings. With new beginnings, an end must occur. Change is inevitable in life. At Kushala Yoga there have been many exciting endings and beginnings in the last two months. We moved from Newport to Suter Brook. We changed our name. We had 13 inspiring yogis complete their Teacher Training. This past weekend was alive with the promise of new beginnings. The smiling faces to the right had just completed 200 hours of yoga study. The four of us, in the middle, were just as excited as they were that it was over ;)
But seriously, all 17 of us were inspired by each other and the growth, sharing, connection and learning that transpired in those 200 hours. If you’re looking for a new beginning, check out our next 200 hour Teacher Training.
There has been a buzz of excitement throughout all of those changes within the walls of our studio since we moved in. We are so grateful to all of you who have added to that with words of encouragement, appreciation, smiles and sharing your yoga practice. You have participated in and supported our endings and beginnings and we trust that your yoga practice does the same for you. Let your practice carry you through times of change. Let your breath and body guide and support you on and off the mat.
A Time for Everything…
Hence, there is a time to go ahead and a time to stay behind.
There is a time to breathe easy and a time to breathe hard.
There is a time to be vigorous and a time to be gentle.
There is a time to gather and a time to release.
Can you see things as they are
And let them be all on their own?
~ Lao-tzu
Please do not hesitate to share your new beginnings with us and let us know how we may support you at any time.
Member Relations Director