Crow Pose Workshop with Leo
June 28, 2013
Handstand Workshop with Nicole Roy
August 6, 2013What is Yoga And The Pelvic Floor?
Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor helps to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body. This is the true meaning of “core work.” Whether you experience any of these conditions (or are just plain curious about this region of the body) this workshop is for you:
- pelvic pain
- leak when laughing or sneezing
- lower back, hip or groin problems
- have to go the bathroom too often
- discomfort during sex or while using tampons
- prolapsed organs
- skin irritation
- pregnancy and birth
Before change is possible, you must be able to visualize, find and access the muscles of the pelvic floor. In this workshop we will locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the various muscle groups of the pelvic floor, discuss what mula bandha is (and is not), abdominal health and how to utilize the pelvic floor in asana. The weekend will begin with anatomy, lecture and discussion, followed by subtle experiential movements to awaken your understanding of this often ignored area. Then we will begin with a series of specific exercises and asanas for the pelvic floor. We conclude with some asana that spotlights the pelvis and hip joints. Handouts are provided to help you retain what you have learned. Bring your friends, sisters, mothers and daughters. Although helpful, no previous yoga experience is required. This workshop qualifies for continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance.
Leslie Howard is a San Francisco-based yoga teacher, specializing in all things pelvic. She leads workshops and trainings nationally and is co-writing a book about the female pelvis. Her own struggles with healing her hips and pelvis led her to intense study of the anatomy, physiology, cultural messaging, history and energetics of this rich place. Her teaching is informed by over 3000 hours of yoga study with senior Iyengar yoga teachers, notably Manouso Manos and Patricia Walden. She considers Ramanand Patel her most important influence and mentor. To learn more about Leslie, visit: www.lesliehowardyoga.com
Saturday, Oct 5th and Sunday Oct 6th, 2013
1pm – 4pm each day (it is not 2 separate workshops, it is one workshop spread over 2 days)
Kushala Yoga at Suter Brook
Early Bird until Sept 15, 2013, $145 per person.
After Sept 15th, $165 per person.
Register at: http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/7322546935
For more information please contact Kim Vopni – The Fitness Doula info@fitnessdoula.com
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/279391788867909/